Supporting your friend's business: A guide to avoiding guilt and building healthy relationships

Hey there! It's great to hear that your friend has started an online shop! Seeing people pursuing their passions and turning them into something tangible is always inspiring. I understand you may not appreciate the products sold, which is fine. We all have our tastes and preferences. However, I encourage you to consider supporting your friend in their venture, even if it's just by sharing their shop on your social platforms.

Remember, a genuine interest in a product should be the only consideration, regardless of who is selling it. Ultimately, it's up to each individual to make their own purchasing decisions. Keep up the positivity!

Consider sharing it with others, as what you may not like; others might find appealing. You can politely inform people that it is not your style. Even though you may not purchase the current products, keep an open mind for future offerings. Once something catches your interest, you will be happy to shop. Additionally, donating to support their process can be considered, especially for good friends.

Be as supportive as possible no matter what venture your friend is pursuing.

Remember, family and friends, can be sensitive when it comes to their business.

You may feel pressured, but it is okay to set boundaries and politely decline if you do not want to share on your social networks. Having an honest conversation will satisfy you.

If you love your friend, show your support however you can.

Nicola Styles

CEO @herblackopedia & @heybeautimag

Co-Found @radarplusnutrition

Find my illustrations @lifetimetv @lifetimemovie @colorinpretty

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