She’s Glowing: Tiffany Sorya, founder of Novel Education Group

Tiffany Sorya established Novel Education Group in 2014 and is highly regarded in the education sector for encouraging a shift in how kids interact with learning in the digital era. Her methods are based on open and adaptive teaching, emphasizing students' interests and learning styles rather than the monotony of standard curricula and rigid pacing seen in traditional classrooms. This distinctive teaching style soon got many famous customers' attention, who sought Tiffany's instruction for their children. Novel Education Group's alum list includes actors, influencers, international business leaders, tech entrepreneurs, professional athletes, and well-known artists. The agency now offers private tutoring, remote learning, academic advising, and many other services. It is rated as a premier homeschooling and academic development agency nationwide and overseas. In addition, the novel has partnered with Command Education, a New York-based college consultancy, to provide students and families with comprehensive services throughout their educational journey, giving them a competitive advantage through flexibility, specialized enrichment programs, and comprehensive college preparation.

Nicola Styles

CEO @herblackopedia & @heybeautimag

Co-Found @radarplusnutrition

Find my illustrations @lifetimetv @lifetimemovie @colorinpretty

She’s Glowing: Shydeia Caldwell, founder of Black Girl Magik


She’s Glowing: Larz FOUNDER of #HALFTHESTORY